NCS15 15-channel annunciator
NCS15 Splash Screen
NCS15 call from room 5
NCS15 Doorbell message
NCS15 Toilet or Shower button pressed
NCS15 15-channel annunciator(inside)
CP5 call-point for village systems
CP5 call-point rear
Village-based system touch-panel
Inside village-based system panel
Old style call-point(discontinued)
Standard Pendant
CP6N Numeric Wireless Call-point
CP6N Numeric Wireless Call-point
CP6N Wireless Nursecall System Mimic Panel
CP6N Wireless Nursecall System Mimic Panel
Power Supply Unit for most systems
Neck pendant transmitter unit
Wrist watch transmitter unit
Rear view of wireless help/reset call-point unit
Front view of wireless help/reset call-point unit
RICTECH specializes in several forms of emergency call button/nurse-call systems, and can build a system to suit a client's specific requirements. We also offer full wireless nursecall systems that can cover an entire rest-home, or retirement village complex.
The CP5 series are for use in village establisments. These are much bigger systems, and can have several hundred buttons on them. Details for each resident are stored on a central database, which the staff can edit at any time. These systems can transmit to belt pagers(with a site transmitter license from Radio Spectrum Management), or they can be configured to send all messages to standard cell-phones as text messages(currently in development).The CP6N series are intended for use in rest-homes and support up to 255 different room numbers. The call-points can operate in standard call-point mode, or they can be configured to operate as an alarm for doors or windows etc. The mimic panels can be setup to use multiple colours. Green-on-black is shown in the photos, but background and font colours can be anything the client wants - White numbers on a red background for example. Different number groups can have different colours. Up to ten different number groups/colours are supported.
The CP7 series are wireless call-points intended for longer-range applications. They are targeted to very large rest-homes or village-sized complexes. They are similar to the CP5 series, but have a longer range and different frequency of operation, so CP5 and CP7 call-points cannot co-exist on the same system by default. There is a way to have both CP5 series and CP7 series work on the same system, but it requires the use of additional message-processing and mixing hardware that is not part of a standard setup. CP7's also can have an additional wireless receiver module installed, to allow them to use a neck pendant or wrist-watch type transmitter worn by the resident.
The NCS15 annunciator system is a cut-down and affordable version of the larger systems, intended for smaller establishments who need less then a total of 15 buttons including doorbells, and who do not want to spend a large amount of money on a system designed for a much bigger establishment. These systems speak a room number when the button is pressed. The wireless nature of the designs, means no expensive cable installing is needed. The smaller annunciator systems support up to fifteen different messages, including room numbers, toilet or shower messages, and even doorbells. All spoken messages can be customised based on what the client wants. The button that is calling is displayed on the small colour LCD screen on the front of the box. These smaller systems are desgned to only cover a large house in area, and are not suitable for greater then about 30 meter range. This does, however, lend itself well to a special-needs care facility where all residents live together in an adapted house.
We offer different versions of these systems, customized to meet client requirements and needs. ALL systems employ fully automatic battery backup, and will continue to operate in the event of a power cut. Please contact us for an obligation free estimate for your establishment. We currently only supply these systems to the New Zealand market.